Below you will find a categorized list of curriculum that has been used in past LIFE Group cycles. This is by no means an exhaustive list! If you'd like to submit an additional curriculum for approval, please fill out this form. You will be contacted when your curriculum has been approved. If you have any questions regarding this process, please email

Bible Study

Rev. Bill Kirk | Book of Isaiah
Max Lucado | Acts: Life Lessons
Serendipity Press | Jesus' Parables
Serendipity Press | Sermon on the Mount 
Tim Keller | Galatians for You 


Andy Stanley | Taking Care of Business 


Emerson Eggrich | Love & Respect
Jimmy Evans | Return to Intimacy
Les & Leslie Parrott | Love List
Les & Leslie Parrott | Relationships 
Les & Leslie Parrott | Save Your Marriage Before It Starts
Tim Keller | The Meaning of Marriage 
Paul Tripp | What Did You Expect? 
Wayne Young | Becoming One


Henry Blackaby | Experiencing God
Rick Warren | The Purpose Driven Life
Rick Warren | What on Earth am I Here For?


Henry Blackaby | Spiritual Leadership 
Ken Blanchard | Lead Like Jesus
Bill Hybels | Courageous Leadership
John Maxwell | 21 Irrefutable Lawys of Leadership
Andy Stanley | Next Generation Leader 
Willow Creek Leadership Conference 2017 | Everyone Has Influence 

Men's Study

Stephen Arterburn | Every Man's Battle
Michael Catt | Courageous 
John Eldredge | Wild At Heart
Craig Groeschel | Fight
Alex Kendrick | The Resolution for Men 
Dennis Rainey | Stepping Up
Danny Silk | Practice of Honor 

Money Management

Dave Ramsey | Financial Peace University 
Dave Ramsey | The Total Money Makeover


Sally Clarkson | The Ministry of Motherhood
Andy Stanley | Parental Guidance Required 
Bobbie Wolgemuth | God's Wisdom for a Mother's Heart 


James Banks | The Lost Art of Praying Together
Henry Blackaby | Experiencing the Cross
Ann Spangler | Praying the Names of Jesus 
Donald S. Whitney | Praying the Bible 

Spiritual Growth

Henry Blackaby | Experiencing the Cross
John Bevere | The Bait of Satan
John Bevere | The Holy Spirit
John Bevere | Driven By Eternity 
John Bevere | Good or God? 
John Bevere | Under Cover 
Lisa Bevere | Without Rival 
Greg Hawkins | MORE: Move from Activity for God to Intimacy with God
Anna Light | In_security 
Kenneth Hagin | The Believer’s Authority
Leif Hetland | Giant Slayers
C.S. Lewis | Mere Christianity
Tim Keller | The Prodigal God- Tim Keller
Tim Keller | Gospel in Life
James McDonald | Lord, Change Me
James McDonald | Think Differently
James McDonald | Authentic
Joyce Meyer | Battlefield of the Mind
Robert Morris | The God I Never Knew
Robert Morris | The Blessed Life
Robert Morris | The End... Then What Happens?
Robert Morris| Free Indeed
Robert Morris | Frequency: Tune In, Hear God
Beth Moore | Breaking Free
Beth Moore | The Patriarchs
Beth Moore | Here & Now/There & Then
Beth Moore | Daniel
Beth Moore | Esther
Beth Moore | The Quest
John Ortberg | If You Want to Walk on Water...
John Ortberg | The Life You’ve Always Wanted
Ken Sumrall | Confidence- A Key to Victorious Living
James Bryan Smith | The Good & Beautiful God
Charles Swindoll | So, You Want to Be Like Christ: 8 Essentials
Andy Stanley | What Makes You Happy
Andy Stanley | Who Needs God?
Andy Stanley | Defining Moments
Andy Stanley | Discovering God’s Will
A.W. Tozer | The Pursuit of God
Joanna Weaver | Lazarus Awakening
Nancy Wolgemuth | The Power of Words
Andrew Wommack | Sharper than a Two-Edged Sword
Andrew Wommack | Spirit, Soul, & Body
Andrew Wommack | Effortless Change
Andrew Wommack | The Believer's Authority 
Phillip Yancey | The Jesus I Never Knew 

Women's Study

Lisa Bevere | Girls with Swords
Lisa Bevere | Lioness Arising
Shannon Etheridge | Every Woman's Battle
John Eldridge | Captivating 
Dannah Gresh | Get Lost: Your Guide to Finding True Love 
Liz Higgs | Bad Girls of the Bible 
Lysa Terkeurst | Uninvited 
Joanna Weaver | Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World


Jeremy Jones | Worshiper 


Dave Ramsey | Generation Change 
Lee Rogers | God So Loved...